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이 모든 내용은 Pluralsight에 Xavier Morera가 올린 'Getting Started with JSON in C# Using Json.NET'라는 강의의 두번째 챕터를 듣고 정리한 것입니다(https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/json-csharp-jsondotnet-getting-started/table-of-contents).


Serialization Fundamentals

Settings & Attributes

Custom Serialization

Performance Tips



Binary JSON (BSON)

Json.NET Schema


Serialization And Deserialization

JsonSerializer and JsonConvert

JsonTextReader and JsonTextWriter

Dates in JSON

Error Handling

Serialization And Deserialization

Serialization and deserialization is the main functionality of Json.NET. Serialization and deserialization involves taking a data structure or object and converting it back and forth between JSON text and .NET objects. A .NET object when serialized can be stored as a stream of bytes of file or in memory and later it can be used to recreate the original object. You have to be careful though. In some cases there are private implementation details that are not available when deserializing or serializing, so you need to review the recreated object to determine if there is any information missing. In the serialization and deserialization process, you map property names and copy their values using the main JSON serializer class with the support of JsonReader and JsonWriter.

JsonSerializer and JsonConvert

The JsonSerializer class is a straightforward way of converting between JSON text and .NET objects. It provides a great deal of control and customization, being able to read and write directly to streams via JSON text reader and JSON text writer.

Simply use the serialize and deserialize methods.

JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();


And it gets even better. Json.NET comes with a very easy to use wrapper over JsonSerializer called JsonConvert that makes the serialization process that easy for most scenarios.

Simply use the SerializeObject and DeserializeObject methods.

string author = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(AuthorObject);


Caution : There are many classes in Json.NET that provide async methods. Stay away from them as they are now marked as obsolete.

Demo note

1. Formatting.Indented setting on JsonConvert.SerializeObject method

2. PreserveReferenceHandling.Objects setting on JsonConvert.SerializeObject method

Whenever you're using Json.NET to serialize a class, by default it will serialize the object by value. This means that is if you have a class that has two references to another class, it will basically create two copies of the values. This might not be a problem if you're just serializing the class, but what happens if you want to deserialize, this is converted back again from JSON text to a .NET object and you want to have two references to the same object instead of two different objects and this is where preserving object references comes into play.

자기자신을 포함하는 리스트를 갖는 class를 Serialize할 때

PreserveReferenceHandling.Objects(want to preserve object) setting on JsonConvert.SerializeObject method

==> preserve reference to the objects, so when deserializing, Deserializer will not create duplicate classes.

3. Dynamic, ExpandoObject

dynamic varName = new ExpandoObejct(); //ExpandoObject class == members can be Dynamically added and removed at runtime.

... add members to varName...

then just pass varName to JsonConvert.SerializeObject method, and Deserialize it with dynamic

4. JsonConvert.DesrializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(...)

5. AnonymousType

JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType method

JsonTextReader and JsonTextWriter

JsonConvert is useful but let's learn a little bit more about the control and performance that Json.NET provides to you via the JsonSerializer class. Let's start first with JsonReader and JsonWriter.

The JsonTextReader is for reading JSON. It's non-cache and forward only and it's used for large objects and files.

The JsonTextWriter which is used for creating JSON. It's also non-cached, forward only, and allows you to have a lot more control in improvements in performance.

Demo note

1. Using the JsonSerializer with the aid of a StreamWriter

serializer = new JsonSerializer();

serializer.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore; //setting to ignore null value when serializing

serialier.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;                   //indenting make file bigger

using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(@"..\..\jsonfilename.json"))


using (JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw))


serializer.Serialize(writer, author); //author is an instance to serialize



2. JsonConvert and ultimately the JsonSerializer class use reflection to convert from JsonText to .NET classes. Even though Json.NET is very fast by using reflection it makes it a little bit slower than it can actually be and thus we have the JsonTextReader, which does not use reflection and provides the fastest way of reading JSON text.

JsonTextReader jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(jsonText)); //jsonText is a string

while(jsonReader.Read()) //iterate strings in jsonText


if (jsonReader.Value != null) Console.WriteLine("Token: {0}, Value: {1}", jsonReader.TokenType, jsonReader.Value);

else ....skip...


TokenType : Start/EndObject, PropertyName, Date, Boolean, String, Integer, Start/EndArray... etc

The JsonTextWriter basically iterated over the entire jsonText, retrieving one token at a time. 

3. Write jsonText in a manual way for performance and control

StringWriter se = new StringWriter();

JsonTextWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw);

writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; //at the beginning!






writer.WriteValue("Json course");



writer.WriteValue(new DateTime(2018, 03, 29));










string jsonText = sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString();

//In .NET string are immutable so if you keep modifying a string without using a StringBuilder,

//you will be suffering from a deep performance hit

Dates in JSON

1. Without any setting, Json.NET's default is ISO 8601 (2009-07-11T23:00:00)

2. Use Microsoft date format with setting

JsonSerializerSetting settingsMicrosoftDate = new JsonSerializerSettings


DateFormatHandling = DateFormatHandling.MicrosoftDateFormat     // "\/Date(1247374800000-0600)\/"


3. Use custom date converter

... = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(author, Formatting.Indented, new IsoDateTimeConverter());

4. Use Custom format date

JsonSerializerSetting settingsCustomDate = new JsonSerializerSettings


DateFormatString = "dd/mm/yyyy"


5. Use JavaScript date

... = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(author, Formatting.Indented, new JavaScriptDateTimeConverter());  // "new Date(1247374800000)"

Error Handling

List<string> errors = new List<string>();

JsonSerializerSettings jSS = new JsonSerializerSettings


Error = delegate(object sender, ErrorEventArgs errorArgs)  //1 way



errorArgs.ErrorContext.Handled = true;


Error = HandleDeserializationError,                                //2 way

Converters = { new IsoDateTimeConverter() }


private static void HandleDeserializationError(object sender, ErrorEventArgs errorArgs)


var currentError = errorArgs.ErrorContext.Error.Message;

//Test if data in other format

errorArgs.ErrorContext.Handled = true;


or just throw error with try-catch block


이 모든 내용은 Pluralsight에 Xavier Morera가 올린 'Getting Started with JSON in C# Using Json.NET'라는 강의의 두번째 챕터를 듣고 정리한 것입니다(https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/json-csharp-jsondotnet-getting-started/table-of-contents). 제가 정리한 것보다 더 많은 내용과 Demo를 포함하고 있으며 최종 Summary는 생략하겠습니다. Microsoft 지원을 통해 한달간 무료로 Pluralsight의 강의를 들으실 수도 있습니다.

'Programming > etc' 카테고리의 다른 글

(Json.NET) Performance Tips  (0) 2018.03.30
(Json.NET) Custom Serialization  (0) 2018.03.30
(Json.NET) Settings & Attributes  (0) 2018.03.30


이 모든 내용은 Pluralsight에 Dino Esposito가 올린 'Modern Software Architecture: Domain Models, CQRS, and Event Sourcing'라는 강의의 마지막 챕터를 듣고 정리한 것입니다(https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/modern-software-architecture-domain-models-cqrs-event-sourcing/table-of-contents). 강의 원작자분께 게시허가도 받았습니다.


Discovering the Domain Architecture through DDD

The DDD Layered Architecture

The "Domain Model" Supporting Architecture

The CQRS Supporting Architecture

Event Sourcing

Designing Software Driven by the Domain


Dealing with Legacy Code

Revisiting CRUD Systems

UX-drive design

Pillars of Modern Software

Dealing with Legacy Code

There are many known ways to define legacy code. Often by legacy code we mean code that exists that some other people wrote and that is complex and undocumented enough that everybody is scared to touch. Legacy code is primarily code that just works. It might not be doing things in the most appropriate way for the current needs of the business, so you feel like it has to be properly refactored and possibly rewritten. In other words, you don't like to have it around. But because it works and because everybody is constantly late on something, there is never time to do it, and in the end, you can hardly get rid of it.

However, sometimes what we call legacy code is not necessarily badly and poorly written code. Sometimes it's just coded now for the current state of the business should be doing additional things or differently. But for a number of reasons, it's risky to touch it, or it just takes time because of the complexity it carries.

Common Aspects of Legacy Code

Has an established and implicit model

Doesn't typically have a public programmable API

Written to have some work done, not to be reused

Written years ago according to practices now obsolete

How to incorporate legacy code in new applications? 

My favorite approach is trying to expose the legacy code as a service if all possible. If not, I would seriously consider rewriting. But this is just a general guideline I use, but in the end, it always depends case by case.

Legacy Code as a Service

So I'd say you start with the idea of rewriting the system and get all the abstractions you need. If some features you need to rewrite then exist in the legacy system, I'd consider incorporating existing assets as services rather than rewriting everything from scratch. Needless to say, this only works if the new system you need has exactly the same features and the same behavior. If you can disconnect the legacy code and recompile it as an independent piece of code, then put it in a bounded context, expose it as a service, and create a façade around it to make it work with the rest of the new system. It may not work, but if it works, it's just great.

Not because you can do something, you should be doing that particular thing.

Not all legacy assets are equal. Some can be reused as services, some not. Some are just old and obsolete.

Before integrating legacy code, make sure you carefully evaluate the costs of not rewriting from scratch and also the costs of integrating legacy code as a service. Next, if legacy code can be turned into a service, then just let it be and focus on other things to do.

Revisiting CRUD Systems

CRUD is a long-time popular acronym to indicate a system that focuses on four fundamental operations in relationship to both the user interface and storage, create, read or retrieve, update, and delete. In this regard, it's essentially correct to state that all systems are CRUD systems at least to some extent.

The CRUD cycle describes the core functions of a persistent database, typically a relational database. The code implements the CREATE, READ, UPDATE, and DELETE operations, and saves the resulting state to the database. While it's probably correct to state that merely all systems are CRUD to some extent, the devil is in the details of what actually turns out to be the object of those operations. Is it a single individual entity or is it a more complex and articulated data representation? Let's try to list a few common attributes of a CRUD system.

First and foremost, a CRUD system is database-centric. The model of data available to the code is exactly the same being persisted. Deletions and updates affect directly the data stored. This means that at any time you know the current state, but you are not tracking what has really happened. A CRUD system for the most part has relatively basic business logic and is being used by one or very few users and deals with very elemental collections of data, mostly one-to-one with database tables. In summary, a CRUD is typically quick and easy to write and subsequently it often looks unrealistic these days.

When we hear or pronounce the words it's basically a CRUD, we are right in that we want the four basic operations being implemented. But tracking actions or not, the amount of business logic and rules, concurrency and dependencies between data entities change significantly the scope of the system and raise significantly the level of complexity and effort. So it's basically a CRUD system, but must be devised in quite a different way to be realistic and effective as of today.

Sure, a CRUD system is database-centric. In modern software, however, that persistence model is just one model to think about. Sometimes to better process relationships between collections of data, you need to build a different model that expresses behavior while saving state or just actions through a different model. More often than not, the context of change must be tracked. An update cannot simply be overriding the current state of a given record. It might be necessary that it's tracked whether it is an update to the state, tracking to delta, and all of them in the life of a data entity. Plenty of business logic, concurrency issues, and interconnected entities, graphs of objects populate the modern software and systems must take that into account.

So, we still have CRUD operations against a database, but CREATE deals with graphs of entities, READ fills out views, UPDATE and DELETE log the change to the current state of the system, and today, C, U, and D, CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE are commands and reads, the R, are queries, and this why the CQRS approach is vital and fundamental for today's applications.

UX-drive design

What you see is what you get is an old slogan of the graphical user interfaces of development tools like Visual Basic, but what you see is what you get is also today a philosophy we can apply to software architecture. What users perceive of each application is what they see(User Interface) and what they get(User Experience) as they interact with the application. #The user experience is the experience that users go through when they interact with a given application.

In light of the user experience, Top-down approach is more effective way to architect a system then the bottom-up approach. The bottom-up approach to software architecture is based on the idea that you understand requirements and start building the foundation of the system from the persistence model. Your foundation is a layer of data with some endpoints that are looking for an outlet. As long as users are passively accepting any UI enforcements. But now more and more users are actively dictating user interface and user experience preferences. Therefore, you'd better start designing from some front-end they like. Endpoints to connect to the rest of the system are exposed from the presentation layer and the rest of the system is then designed just to match those endpoints. And persistence is designed to save data you need to save in the shape that data counts your way down the stacks. In the end, it is presentation and everything else is sort of a big black box.

The whole point of top-down design is making sure that you are going to produce a set of screens and an overall user experience that fully matches user expectations. Performance and even business logic can be fixed and fine-tuned, but if you miss the user experience, customers may have to alter the way they do business and go through their tasks. It may not be ideal.

UX-driven Design in 3 Steps

1. Building up UI forms and screens as users love them

You can use Y frames and Y framing tools for this purpose. At this point, once screens have been approved, you have a complete list of triggers that can start any business process.

2. Implement workflows and bind workflows to presentation endpoints

3. A workflow represents a business process and you create old layers that need be there

repositories, domain services, whatever else that serves the purpose of implementing successfully the business process

For the whole method to work, however, it's key that you hold on and iterate on the UI forms approval process(step 1) until you get users signing off approving explicitly. And when they say yes only then you proceed. Any time you appear to waste, this stage is saved later by not likely having to restructure the code because of a poor or wrong user experience.

In summary, sign off on what users want and use sketches and Y frames to get their approval. A sketch is a freehand drawing mostly made to capture an idea. A wireframe is a more sophisticated sketch with layout navigation and content information. The point is avoid doing any seriously billable work until you are certain about the front-end of what you're going to create.

More in detail, UX driven designs suggest you have a basic flowchart for each screen

Determine what comes in and out of each screen and create view-model classes

Make application layer endpoints receive and return such DTO(data transfer object) classes

Make application layer orchestrate tasks on layers down the stack

So repositories, domain services, external services, and whatever else you may need to set up and work with

Responsibilities of the UX Architect

Defining the information architecture and content layout

Defining the ideal interaction, which means essentially storyboards for each screen and each UI trigger

Being around the definition of the visual design

Running usability reviews

Tools for the UX Architect

Balsamiq, UXPin, Infragistics Indigo, JustInMind

UX Architect in the end is only a role and the same individual can be at the same time acting as the UX and/or the solution software architect.

Pillars of Modern Software

A few final words about the state of the art of today's software architecture then are in order.

First, the definition of domain-driven design should be revisited to add emphasis on the tools for domain analysis, such as ubiquitous language, bounded contexts, and context maps.

Second, in the building of each bounded context, the layer the architecture is key to having best of breed today layers over tiers are preferable as scalability these days can easily be achieved, obtained with a stateless single tier, small, compact, simple servers, implemented perhaps as web roles in some Cloud platform and then scaled according to the dashboard and the rules and the possibilities of the Cloud platform.

Third, the design of systems should be top-down, as it starts from what users really want and expect. This means great user experience by design and built from the ground up.

Finally, to achieve everything to build actual back-end of the system, CQRS command and query responsibilities, segregation, and event sourcing are the new and important hot things. These days separating command and query stacks makes everything in the building of the application more natural, convenient, and simple to code, and even simple to optimize, because the stacks are separated and the command part and the query part can be deployed and optimized without effecting each other. Event-based persistence, yet another cool aspect of modern software architecture, lets you not miss a thing and makes the entire solution subsequently easy to extend in the future by adding more features and supporting more notifications, more commands, and subsequently, more events. 


이 모든 내용은 Pluralsight에 Dino Esposito가 올린 'Modern Software Architecture: Domain Models, CQRS, and Event Sourcing'라는 강의의 마지막 챕터를 듣고 정리한 것입니다(https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/modern-software-architecture-domain-models-cqrs-event-sourcing/table-of-contents). 제가 정리한 것보다 더 많은 내용과 Demo를 포함하고 있으며 최종 Summary는 생략하겠습니다. Microsoft 지원을 통해 한달간 무료로 Pluralsight의 강의를 들으실 수도 있습니다.



이 모든 내용은 Pluralsight에 Dino Esposito가 올린 'Modern Software Architecture: Domain Models, CQRS, and Event Sourcing'라는 강의의 여섯번째 챕터를 듣고 정리한 것입니다(https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/modern-software-architecture-domain-models-cqrs-event-sourcing/table-of-contents). 강의 원작자분께 게시허가도 받았습니다.


Discovering the Domain Architecture through DDD

The DDD Layered Architecture

The "Domain Model" Supporting Architecture

The CQRS Supporting Architecture

Event Sourcing

Designing Software Driven by the Domain


Event Sourcing Introduction

Event Sourcing at a Glance

Events as the Data Source

Event-based Persistence

Data Projections from Stored Events

Event Sourcing in Action

Event-based Data Stores

Event Sourcing Introduction

The real world is mostly made of events. We see events after facts, and events actually are notifications of things that just happened. In software instead, we rarely use events in the business logic. We tend instead to build abstract models that hopefully can provide a logical path for whatever we see in the domain, and sometimes working this way we end up with a root object we just call God or Universe. Events may bring some key benefits to software architecture. Primarily this is because events are immutable pieces of information, and by tracking events, you never miss a thing that happens in and around the business domain, and finally, events can be replayed, and by replaying events you can process their content and build on top of that multiple projections of the same core data.

Event Sourcing at a Glance

Event sourcing is a design approach based on the assumption that all changes made to the application state during the entire lifetime of the application are stored as a sequence of events. Event sourcing can be summarized by saying that we end up having serialized events as the data building blocks of the application. Serialized events are actually the data source of the application.

This is not how the vast majority of today's applications work. Most applications today work by storing the current state of domain entities and use that stored state as the starting point to process business transactions. 

e.g. Let's say you have a shopping cart. How would you model a shopping cart?

Reasonably, if you're going to model it, you would probably add a list of ordered products, payment information, for example, credit card details, maybe shipping address. The shopping cart has now been modeled and the model is a faithful representation of the internal logic we commonly associate with a shopping cart.

But here is another way to represent that same information you can expect to find around the shopping cart. Instead of storing all the pieces of information in the columns of a single record or in the properties of a single object, you can describe the state of the shopping cart through the sequence of events that brought it to contain a given list of items. So, add first item, add second item, add payment information, update the second item, for example, to change the quantity or the type of a product, maybe then remove the first item, add shipping address. All these events relate to the same shopping cart entity, but we don't save in any place the current state of the shopping, but just the steps and related data that brought it to be what it is actually under our eyes. By going through the list of events then, you can rebuild at any time that state of the shopping cart. This is actually an event-based representation of an entity.

For most applications, think for example of CRUD applications, today structural and event-based representations of entities are functionally equivalent, and most applications use to store their state via snapshot, so they just store the current state and they ignore events. More in general, the picture you see now onscreen is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a more general and all-encompassing way to look at storage that incorporates events, but this is just under the surface. On top of an event-based representation of data, you can still create as a snapshot database the current state representation that returns the last known good state of a domain entity. This is, at the end of the day, event sourcing.

Key Facts of Event Sourcing

An event is something that has happened in the past

Events are expression of the ubiquitous language

Events are not imperative and are named using past tense verbs

Have a persistent store for events

Append-only, no delete

Replay the (related) events to get to the last known state of an entity

Replay from the beginning or a known point (snapshot)

Events express altogether the state of a domain entity. To get that state, you need to replay events. To get the full state, you should replay from the beginning of the application timeline. Sometimes this may require you process too much data. In this case, you can define snapshots along the way and replay events as the delta of the state from the last known snapshot. In the end, a snapshot is the state of the entity at a given time.

An event is something that happened in the past. This is a very important point about events, and should be kept clearly in mind. 

Once stored, events are immutable. Events can be duplicated and replicated, especially for scalability reasons.

Any behavior associated with a given event has been performed the moment in which the event is notified, replaying the event, in other words, doesn't require to repeat the behavior.

When using events, you don't miss a thing. You track everything that happened at the time it happened, and regardless of the effects it produced.

With events, any system data is saved at a lower abstraction level than today.

Events as the Data Source

CQRS is the dawn of a new software design world, and events are what we find when the dawn has actually turned into a full day.

At some point, relational databases have become the center of the universe as far as software design is concerned. They brought up the idea of the data model and persistence of the data model. It worked. And it still works. But it's about time you reconsider this approach, because chances are that it shows incapable of letting you achieve some results, getting more and more important in the coming days. Events are a revolutionary new approach to software design and architecture, except that events are not really new and not really revolutionary. Relational databases themselves don't manage current state internally, even though they expose current state outside. But internally, relational databases were looking at the actual actions that modify the initial state. Events in the end are not a brilliant new idea of these days. Thirty years ago old apps still used something based on the concept of events. Simply there was no fancy name at the time for the approach they were using. Events may be the tokens stored in the application data source in nearly every business scenario. Events just go at the root of the problem and offer a more general storage solution for just every system.

So, what should you do today? I see two options.

First option, you can insist on a system that primarily saves the current state, but start tracking relevant application facts through a separate log.

Second option, you store events and then replaying through the event stream you build any relevant facts you want to present to users as data.

So in other words, from events you create a projection of data in much the same logical way you build a projection of computed database columns when you run certain SQL queries.

To decide whether or not in your specific scenario you need events, consider what follows, the two points you see onscreen now.

Is it important to track what was added and then removed?

Is it important business-wise to track when an item was removed from the cart?

If you say yes, then you probably need events.

Storing events in a stream works really well, I would even say naturally with the implementation of commands. And commands submitted by the user form a natural stream of events. At the same time, queries work much better if you have structured data, so in the end you need both. You need commands for storing and queries and classic current state storage for queries. This is the whole point of CQRS, command and query responsibility segregation. As an architect, you only have to decide whether you want to have a command stack based on an event stream that works in sync with, say, an orders table, or more conservatively, you want to start with orders tables and then just record an event stream separately for any relevant fact. It's a sort of middle ground to proceed step-by-step ahead.

Event-based Persistence

In software, persistence is made of four key operations through which developers manipulate the state of the system. They are CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE, to alter the state, and QUERIES to read the state without altering. A key principle of software and especially CQRS inspired software, is that asking a question should not change the answer.


Let's see what happens when a new relevant entity is created and must be persisted in an event-based system. There is a request coming from the presentation layer or in some other known UI asynchronous way, the command stack processes that, and appends a new record, say, an order, with all the details. The existing data store is extended with a new item that contains all the information it needs to be immutable. If, say, the information is required, the current rate is better stored inside the logged information and not read dynamically from elsewhere. In this way, the stored event is really immutable and self-contained. There's also some information of other type you need to have. Each event should be identified uniquely and in some way you need to give each event an-app specific code to indicate whether you're adding an order or an invoice. This can be achieved in a variety of ways, by type, if you use document store, or through one columns if you use a relational store. In addition, you want to have a timestamp so that it's clear when the operation took place, and any relevant ID you need to identify the entity better the aggregate being stored. Finally, full details of the record must be saved as well. If you are recording the creation of an order, you want to have all order details, including shipping payment, transaction ID, confirmation ID, order ID, and so forth. If necessary, payment and shipping operations may in turn generate other events being tracked as well. And finally, when it comes to event storage, it is transparent the technology you use so it can be relational document-based, graph-based, or whatever works for you. The CREATE operation is an event-based persistence scenario that is not much different from classic persistence. You just add a record.


Update is bit different, as you don't override an existing record, but just add another record that contains delta. You need to store the same information as we create operations, including a unique event ID, timestamp, code to recognize the operations, and more, and changes applied. You also need the aggregate ID and delta. If you only updated the quantity of a given product in a given order, in particular, you only store the new quantity and the product ID. Storage also in this case is transparent and can be relational, document-based, graph-based, or whatever works for you. Note that in some cases, you might want to consider also storing the full state of the entity along with the specific event information. This can be seen as a form of optimization so that you keep track of individual events, but also serialize the aggregate with the most updated state in the same place to speed up first level queries. I will have more to say about queries in awhile.


The DELETE operations are analogous to UPDATE operations. Subsequently, we can say that the deletion is logical and consists in writing that the entity with a given ID is no longer valid and should not be considered for the purposes of the business. The information in this case is just made of event ID, timestamp, code of the operation, aggregate ID. There is no strict need of having delete specific information unless, for example, the system requires a reason for the deletion. Storage is transparent and can be also in this case whatever works for you.


Events lend themselves very well to implement the UNDO functionality. The simplest way to have it done is by deleting physically the last record as if it never happened. In this way, there is a contrast with the philosophy of event sourcing while you never miss a thing and track just anything that happens. UNDO can also be a logical operation, which, for example, allows to track how many times a user attempted to undo things. But personally I wouldn't mind a physical deletion in this specific case. What's far more important instead is not deleting events in the middle of the stream. That would really be dangerous and lead to inconsistent data.

Query... see Replay

Data Projections from Stored Events

The main aspect of event sourcing is the persistence of messages, which enables you to keep track of all changes in the state of the application. By reading back the log of messages, you rebuild the state of the system, and at that point, you get to know the state of the system. This aspect is what is commonly called the replay of events.


Replay is a two-step operation.

First, you grab all events stored for a given aggregate

Second, you look through all events in some way and extract information from events and copy that information to a fresh instance of the aggregate of choice.

A key function one expects out of an event-based data store is the ability to return the full or partial stream of events. This function is necessary to rebuild the state of an aggregate out of recorded events.

public IEnumerable<GenericEventWrapper> GetEventStream(String id)


return DocumentSession


.Where(t => t.AggregateId == id)

.OrderBy(t => t.Timestamp)



As you can see from the code, it's all about querying records in some way using the AggregateId and Timestamp to order or restrict. Notice that you can code the same also using a relational database.

public class GenericEventWrapper


public string EventId { get; set; }

public string EventOperationCode { get; set; }

public DateTime TimeStamp { get; set; }

public string AggregateId { get; set; }

public DomainEvent Data { get; set; }


That structure of a generic event class depends on the application. It may be different or in some way constrained if you are using some ad-hoc tools for event sourcing. In general terms, an event class can be anything like the following code. Again, key pieces of information are EventId, something that allows to distinguish and easily query the type of the event, Timestamp, AggregateId, and of course, event specific data.

The actual rebuilding of the state consists in going through all events, grab information, and then altering the state of a fresh new instance of the aggregate of choice.

public static Aggregate PlayEvents(String id, IEnumerable<DomainEvent> events)


var aggregate = new Aggregate(id);

foreach (var e in events)


if (e is AggregateCreatedEvent) aggregate.Create(e.Data);

if (e is AggregateUpdateEvent) aggregate.Update(e.Data);

if (e is AggregateDeletedEvent) aggregate.Delete(e.Data);


return aggregate;


What you want to do is storing in the fresh instance of the aggregate the current state it has in the system, or the state that results from the selected stream of events. The way you update the state of the aggregate depends on the actual interface exposed by the aggregate itself, whether it's a domain class or relies on domain services for manipulation.

There are a few things to mention about event replay.

1. Replay is not about repeating commands for any generated events. Commands are potentially long-running operations with concrete effects that generate event data. Replay is just about looking into this data and perform logic to extract information from this data.

2. Event replay copies the effects of occurred events and applies that to fresh instances of the aggregate.

3. Stored events may be processed in different ways in different applications. There is a great potential here. Events are data rendered at a lower abstraction level than plain state. From events you can rebuild any projection of data you like, including the current state of aggregates, which is just one possible way of projecting data(Custom Projection of Event Data). Ad-hoc projections can address other, more interesting scenarios, like business intelligence, statistical analysis, what if, and why not simulation.

More specifically, let's say that you have a stream of events. You can extract a specific subset, whether by date or type or anything else. Once you've got the selected events, you can replay them and apply ad-hoc calculations(Perform different calculations) and business processes(Apply different forms of business logic) and extract just the custom new information you were looking for.

Another great point about events and replay of events is that streams are constant data, and because of that, they can be replicated easily and effectively, for example, to enhance the scalability potential of the application. This is actually a very, very pleasant side effect of event immutability.

What if you get to process too many events for rebuilding the desired projection of data? (Performance concern)

Projecting state from logged events might be heavy-handed and impractical with a very large number of events, and the number of logged events in many application be aware can only grow over time, because it's an append only store.

An effective workaround consists of setting a snapshot of the aggregate state or whatever business entities you use at some recent point in time. Instead of processing the entire stream of events, you serialize the state of aggregates at a given point in time and save that as a value. Next you keep track of the snapshot point and replay events for an aggregate from the latest snapshot to the point of interest.

Event Sourcing in Action (SKIP)

Event-based Data Stores

You can definitely arrange an event sourcing solution all by yourself, but some ad-hoc tools are appearing to let you deal with storage of events in a more structured way. The main benefit of using an event aware data store is that the tool like database guarantees essentially business consistency and full respect of the event sourcing approach.

Let's briefly look at one of these event-based data stores

Event Store : geteventstore.com

Event store works by offering an API for plain HTTP and .NET and the API is for event streams. In the jargon of event store, an aggregate equates to a stream in the store. No concerns about the ability of the event store database to manage and store potentially millions of events grouped by aggregates. This is not a concern of yours, the framework underneath the tool is able to work with these numbers. You can do three basic operations on an event stream and event store. You can write events, you can read events, in particular, you can read the last event, a specific event by ID and also a slice of events, and you can subscribe to get updates. This is the representation of an event as it is written to the store. As you can see, the timestamp is managed internally, and you only have an eventId, eventType, data, and there's no way that's important to delete events arbitrarily. Another interesting feature of event store is subscriptions. There are three types of subscriptions. One is volatile, which means that a callback function is invoked every time an event is written to a given stream. You get notifications from this subscription until it is stopped. Another subscription is catch-up, and it means that you'll get notifications from a given event specified by position up to the current end of the stream. So give me all events from this moment onward, and once the end of the stream has been reached, the catch-up subscription turns into a volatile, and you still keep on getting any new event being added to the stream. And finally, the persistent subscription address set the scenario when multiple consumers are waiting for events to process. The subscription guarantees that events are delivered to customers at least once, but possibly multiple times, and if this happens, the order is unpredictable. This solution is specially designed for high scalable systems, collaborative systems, and to be effective it requires a software design that supports the notion of hidden potency, so if multiple times an operation is performed, the effect is always the same. In particular, catch-up subscriptions are good for components called denormalizers, which play a key role in a CQRS, and in CQRS jargon, denormalizers just refer to those components that projections of data for the query stack.


이 모든 내용은 Pluralsight에 Dino Esposito가 올린 'Modern Software Architecture: Domain Models, CQRS, and Event Sourcing'라는 강의의 여섯번째 챕터를 듣고 정리한 것입니다(https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/modern-software-architecture-domain-models-cqrs-event-sourcing/table-of-contents). 제가 정리한 것보다 더 많은 내용과 Demo를 포함하고 있으며 최종 Summary는 생략하겠습니다. Microsoft 지원을 통해 한달간 무료로 Pluralsight의 강의를 들으실 수도 있습니다.



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