이 모든 내용은 Pluralsight에 Dino Esposito가 올린 'Modern Software Architecture: Domain Models, CQRS, and Event Sourcing'라는 강의의 두번째 챕터를 듣고 정리한 것입니다( 강의 원작자분께 게시허가도 받았습니다.
Discovering the Domain Architecture through DDD
The "Domain Model" Supporting Architecture
The CQRS Supporting Architecture
Designing Software Driven by the Domain
Typical DDD flowchart
Common Summary of DDD
Ubiquitous Language
Defining the Ubiquitous Language
Bounded Contexts
Discovering Bounded context
Context Mapping
Event storming
Typical DDD flowchart
1. Crunch knowledge about the domain
2. Recognize subdomains
3. Design a rich domain model
For each recognized subdomain, design a rich object model that, regardless of concerns like persistence and databases, describe how involved entities behave and our action by user
4. Code by telling objects in the domain model what to do
Common Summary of DDD
DDD is all about building an object model for the business domain called a domain model, and consuming the model in a context of a multilayered architecture(4 layers, business logic split and renamed Application layer and Domain layer).
However the best part of DDD is in the tools it provides to understand and make sense of the domain.
DDD has two distinct parts. You always need one but can happily ignore the other.
DDD has an analytical part that essentially sets an approach to express the top level architecture ideal for the business domain you are considering. The top level architecture is expressed in the terms of constituent elements subdomains that are referred to as bounded context in accordance with the specific DDD jargon. Valuable to everybody and every project.
DDD has a strategic part that instead relates to the definition of a supporting architecture for each of the identified bounded contexts. One of many possible supporting architectures
Ubiquitous Language
Vocabulary of domain-specific terms
Nouns, verbs, adjectives, idiomatic expressions and even adverbs
Shared by all parties involved in the project
Primary goal of avoiding misunderstandings and bad assumptions
Used in all forms of spoken and written communication
Universal language of the business as done in the organization
The ubiquitous language is the language of the domain model being built, but it's very close to the natural language of the business domain. It's not artificially created, but it just comes out of interviews and brainstorming sessions. Unambiguous and fluent.
(People use different languages, Common terminology, Help making sense of user requirements)
List of terms saved to documents
Glossary of terms fully explained
Mad available to everyone
Part of the project documentation
Continuously updated
Responsibility of the development team
If ubiquitous changes, the model should be changed and subsequently code also changed
Defining the Ubiquitous Language
"Discovering the ubiquitous language
leads you to understand the business domain
in order to design a model"
PS: Any model that works. Not necessarily an object-oriented model. It can be, for example, a functional model where no classes are used at all, but functions and stored procedures to deal with data.
Start from User Requirements!
Discovery of the terms that make up the ubiquitous language starts from user requirements. Get Noun and Verb from it
Ubiquitous language == Words and verbs that truly reflect the semantics of the business domain
At Work Defining the Ubiquitous Language
Different concepts named differently.
Matching concepts named equally.
to communicate each other without misunderstanding between co-workers
The ubiquitous language is neither the role language of the business nor the language of development
Naming convention is critical : Classes, Members, Namespaces
Bounded Contexts
Delimited space where an element has a well-defined meaning
Any elements of the ubiquitous language
Beyond the boundaries of the context, the language changes
Each bounded context has its own ubiquitous language
Business domain split in a web of interconnected contexts
Each context has its own architecture and implementation
Bounded contexts in DDD serve three main purposes
Remove ambiguity and duplication
Simplify design of software modules
Integration of external components
Discovering Bounded context
A bounded context is an area of the domain model that has its own ubiquitous language, its own independent implementation based on a supporting architecture, such as CQRS, and a public documented interface to interact with other bounded contexts.
Context Mapping
Context map is the diagram that provides a comprehensive view of the system being designed
Relationship between bounded contexts
Direction of relationship
Upstream context influence downstream context
Downstream context depends on upstream context, No negotiation possible
Customer context depends on supplier context
Chance to raise concerns and have them addressed in some way
Mutual dependency between the two contexts, which depend on each other for the actual delivery of the code
Shared Kernel
Shared model that can't be changed without consulting teams in charge of contexts that depend on it
Anti-corruption Layer
Additional layer giving the downstream context a fixed interface no matter what happens in the upstream context
Event storming
Prerequisite : developers and domain experts, Meeting room with Board, Sticky notes, marker etc
An event storming session consists in talking about observable events in the business domain and listing them to the wall or whiteboard.
A sticky note of a given color is appointed on the modeling surface when an event is identified.
이 모든 내용은 Pluralsight에 Dino Esposito가 올린 'Modern Software Architecture: Domain Models, CQRS, and Event Sourcing'라는 강의의 두번째 챕터를 듣고 정리한 것입니다( 제가 정리한 것보다 더 많은 내용과 Demo를 포함하고 있으며 최종 Summary는 생략하겠습니다. Microsoft 지원을 통해 한달간 무료로 Pluralsight의 강의를 들으실 수도 있습니다.
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