이 모든 내용은 Pluralsight에 Mike Halsey가 올린 'Windows File System Troubleshooting'라는 강의의 첫번째 챕터를 듣고 정리한 것입니다( 강의 원작자분께 게시허가도 받았습니다.
1. The Windows File System in depth
2. Troubleshooting Disk and File Errors
3. Managing Permissions, Ownership, and Auditing
4. Managing Security and Security Permissions
The Windows File and Folder Structure
Windows System Files and Folders
Critical Windows System Files and Folders
Software and App Folders
The Windows File and Folder Structure
PC Firmware Systems
BIOS (7, 8.1, 10)
Uses a single boot partition
System Reserved resides at the beginning of drive 0 on the PC
The System Reserved partition contains all of Windows boot and recovery tools
UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) (8.1, 10)
Uses a triple boot partition structure located on drive 0
These include a 100MB EFI partition, a 300MB Recovery partition, and a hidden Security partition
32-bit Windows installations, may only see a System Reserved partition due to lack of support on some 32-bit chipsets
Folders in root folder (e.g., C: drive)
Perflogs folder
Contains Data Collector Sets and log files created by Performance Information and Tools, and Performance Monitor
Program Files and Program Files (x86) folder
win32 applications (not store apps) are installed. 64-bit Windows installations maintain an (x86) folder for compatibility purposes, to separate these from 64-bit applications
Users folder
Contains all files related directly to the currently signed-in user
Windows folder
The repository of core OS files, drivers, run-time files, and other essential files
Inside the root folder of the Windows installation drive are hidden files and folders
System Volume Information folder
Can be found on all drives protected by System Restore
Other hidden files relate to startup or virtual memory, they are bootmgr, BOOTNXT, hiberfil.sys, pagefile.sys, and swapfile.sys. These are all related to startup or things like virtual memory
Windows System Files and Folders
Boot folder
Contains files necessary for the OS to start
Debug folder
Contains error logs
Fonts folder
Contains the installed fonts and typefaces (can't just copy fonts into it)
Globalization folder
Contains language packs, dictionary files, and files related to location
Media folder
Contains audio and video associated with the OS
Prefetch folder
A store for commonly used files. Windows tries to anticipate what you need to load and makes a copy here to load them more quickly.
Resources folder
Contains ease-of-access and other themes
Web folder
Contains images for the Windows 8.1 and 10 lock screen, and desktop wallpapers
MSOCache folder
Only appear on PCs with Microsoft Office installed, it contains a backup copy of the Office installer
Logs folder
Contains log files for many Windows components
A hidden file found in each folder that contains customization and other options for how the folder should be displayed in File Expolorer
Contains crash reports created by applications on the PC, they have the file extension .dmp
Contains user-specific crash dump files
Files are Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) crash files, they are found either in the root of the Windows install drive, or in the Windows\System32 folder
# .dmp files cannot be read by Windows Notepad, but can be opened using Visaul Studio, the Windows Driver Kit(WDK), Windows Software Development Kit(SDK). BSOD MEMORY.DMP files can be opened by third-party apps such as BlueScreenView
AppData folder
The User folder contains application, configuration and driver setting unique to the currently signed-in user
Roaming folder
Contains data and setting that can move with your user account such as Domain files and settings
Local folder
Contains user settings that are tied to the PC
LocalLow folder
is for local settings with low-level access such as web browser privacy or protected mode files
Critical Windows System Files and Folders
SoftwareDistribution folder
Contains all files relating to Windows Update. Should Windows Update malfunction, the contents of this folder can be deleted to reset Windows Update. If there is problem with Windows Update, it's perfectly okay to delete the contents of this folder to reset Windows Update. Just delete them after restart.
System32 folder
Contains all the core files that make up the Windows operating system
Configuration folder
Contains Registry files for the Windows installation. Additional user-specific Registry files can be found in the %userprofile%\ntuser.dat and %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows folders
SysWoW64 and WinSxS
Contain (side-by-side) copies of Dynamic Link Library(DLL) and other files for app and driver compatibility both between 32-bit and 64-bit software, also where different apps and drivers may call and require different versions of the same file.
Contains application and configuration data for installed applications that pertains to all users on the PC
Software and App Folders
Program Files folder
All win32 desktop applications are installed in 32-bit versions of Windows, and where 64-bit applications are installed for 64-bit versions of Windows
WindowsApps folder
Install location for Windows Store apps in Windows 8.1 and 10. It is protected by heavy security and is inaccessible to even Administrator on the PC
Program FIles (x84) folder
Only be seen in 64-bit Windows installations. All 32-bit win 32 applications are installed
Summary (생략)
이 모든 내용은 Pluralsight에 Mike Halsey가 올린 'Windows File System Troubleshooting'라는 강의의 첫번째 챕터를 듣고 정리한 것입니다( 제가 정리한 것보다 더 많은 내용과 Demo를 포함하고 있으며 최종 Summary는 생략하겠습니다. Microsoft 지원을 통해 한달간 무료로 Pluralsight의 강의를 들으실 수도 있습니다.